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Obtaning TChem-atm

TChem-atm is open-source code available on GitHub. It can be downloaded (cloned) with the terminal command

git clone

TChem-atm requires the following third-party libraries:

These third-party libraries are submodules in TChem-atm. Thus, we can initialize them (i.e., download and update) using the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Building and installing third-party libraries

The script scripts/ clones, builds, and installs TChem-atm's third-party libraries. To use this script, one must provide compiler and configuration information at the top of the script as follows:

MY_CC=gcc # C++ compiler
MY_CXX=g++ # C++ compiler
MY_FC=gfortran # Fortran compiler

To build/install with CUDA ON or OFF, use the flag:

CUDA="ON" # Set to ON/OFF to compile TChem-atm with or without NVIDIA-GPUs support.

Additionally, specify the root directory for installing/building the third-party libraries:


This script initializes the submodules and installs/builds the third-party libraries in the $ROOT/HOST or $ROOT/DEVICE directory, depending on whether CUDA=OFF or CUDA=ON is chosen. Since Kokkos can be installed/built with both CUDA ON or OFF, this script installs it in both $ROOT/HOST and $ROOT/DEVICE, while the other libraries are installed in $ROOT/HOST. Therefore, one must run this script using CUDA=OFF to install all third-party libraries and run it a second time with CUDA=ON if an NVIDIA GPU is available.

Building and installing TChem-atm and Tines

The script scripts/ builds and installs TChem-atm and Tines. Similarly to the script for third-party libraries, in scripts/, one must provide the same compiler information and CUDA flag.

In addition, this script adds the option to turn SACADO="ON" or SACADO="OFF" to enable or disable the SACADO library's automatic differentiation capability.

The installation path for the third-party libraries is specified by INSTALL_BASE_HOST, and ROOT=/path/to/tchem-atm is where TChem-atm and Tines are installed. If CUDA is ON, libraries will be installed in the ROOT/DEVICE directory. Otherwise, they will be installed in the ROOT/HOST directory.