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TChem-atm computes the source term or the right-hand side of the gas-species equations:

\[ \newcommand{\dif}{\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\eee}{\mathrm{E3SM}} \frac{\dif{} \eta_k}{\dif{} t}=\dot{\omega}_k,\quad k = 1, \dots, N \]

and its associated Jacobian matrix, \(\textbf{J}_{ij} = \frac{\partial \dot{\omega}_i}{\partial \eta_j }\), which is evaluated using either finite differences (Tines library) or automatic differentiation (Sacado library). Furthermore, TChem-atm has an interface for Tines or CVODE ODE (ordinary differential equation) solver to advance the volumetric mixing ratio (vmr, \(\eta_k\) ) of gas species, \(k\), in time.

The net production rate of species \(k\), \(\dot{\omega}_k\), or the "right-hand side" of the previous equation is computed using:

\[ \dot{\omega}_k=\sum_{i=1}^{N_{\text{react}}}\nu_{ki}q_i,\quad \nu_{ki}=\nu''_{ki}-\nu'_{ki}, \]

where \(q_i\) is the rate of progress of reaction \(i\), \(N_{\text{react}}\) is the number of reactions and \(\nu''_{ki}\) and \(\nu'_{ki}\) are the stoichiometric coefficients for species \(k\) in reaction \(i\) for the reactant and product sides of the reaction, respectively. The rate of progress of reaction \(i\), \(q_i\), is computed as

\[ q_i={k_f}_i\prod_{j=1}^{N_{\text{spec}}}\eta_j^{\nu'_{ji}}, \]

where \(N_{\text{spec}}\) is the number of species, \({k_f}_i\) is the reaction constant of reaction \(i\). The reaction constant \({k_f}_i\) can take several functional forms depending on the reaction type. We present below the reaction types that are available in TChem-atm.

Reaction Types

Currently, TChem-atm can reproduce gas chemistry for two complex reaction mechanisms: the gas chemistry of \(\eee{}\) v3, i.e., the UCI chemistry system (University of California Irvine), and the Carbon Bond 2005 chemical mechanism, which is well-formulated for urban to remote tropospheric conditions (Dawson,Yarwood). To represent these mechanisms, TChem-atm implements Troe, Arrhenius, Troe-Arrhenius ratio, and Custom-H2O2 reaction types.

Next, we present the expression for the forward rate constant of the reaction types implemented in TChem-atm. In these equations, \(\mathrm{T}\), \(\mathrm{P}\), and \([M]\) correspond to the temperature, pressure, and air concentration.

Arrhenius Type

The Arrhenius type of reaction (type: ARRHENIUS) is computed by

\[ k_f = A \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left( \frac{C}{\mathrm{T}} \right) \frac{\mathrm{T}}{D}^B (1+ E\,\mathrm{P}) \]

Where, \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), and \(D\) are kinetic constants. As an example, the following reaction from the Carbon Bond 05 mechanism,

\[ O_3 + NO \rightarrow NO_2 + O_2, \]

has the following information provided using the following YAML configuration:

- MUSICA_name: R3
    O3: 1
    NO: 1
    NO2: 1
    A: 3e-12
    B: 0.0
    C: -1500.0
    D: 0.0

Under reactants and products, the name and stoichiometric coefficient (\(\nu''_{ki}\), \(\nu'_{ki}\)) of each species is listed.

Note that in the previous reaction, \(O_2\) is not considered a product in the computation of \(k_f\).

Troe Type

The Troe type of reaction (type: TROE) is computed by

\[ k_f=\frac{k_0[M]}{1+\frac{k_0[M]}{k_{\infty}}}F_c^{\left(1+\left(\frac{\log_{10} \left(\frac{k_0[M]}{k_{\infty}} \right)}{N}\right)^2 \right)^{-1}}, \]

where, \(k_0\) and \(k_{\infty}\) are computed via the following Arrhenius expression.

\[ k_0 = k_{0_A} \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left( \frac{k_{0_C}}{\mathrm{T}} \right) \left(\frac{\mathrm{T}}{300}\right)^{k_{0_B}} \]
\[ k_{\infty} = k_{\infty_A} \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left( \frac{k_{\infty_C}}{\mathrm{T}} \right) \left(\frac{\mathrm{T}}{300}\right)^{k_{\infty_B}} \]

As an example of one reaction from the Carbon Bond 05 mechanism,

\[ O + NO_2 \rightarrow NO_3 \]

The kinetic constants are provided using the following format:

- MUSICA_name: R5
    O: 1
    NO2: 1
    NO3: 1
  type: TROE
    k0_A: 2.5e-31
    k0_B: -1.8
    k0_C: -0.0
    kinf_A: 2.2e-11
    kinf_B: -0.7
    kinf_C: -0.0
    Fc: 0.6
    N: 1.0

We use a modified version of the Troe reaction for the UCI mechanism using the type: JPL.

For example, for the uci6 reaction in the UCI mechanism:

\[ HNO_3 + OH \rightarrow NO_3 + H_2O \]

- coefficients:
    k0_A: 6.5e-34
    k0_B: 0
    k0_C: 1335
    Fc: 1
    kinf_A: 2.7e-17
    kinf_B: 0
    kinf_C: 2199
  type: JPL
  note: uci6
  - M
  id: '52'
    HNO3: 1
    OH: 1
    NO3: 1
    H2O: 1
Note that in the JPL type N = 1.

Custom H2O2 type

The rate constant for the custom H2O2 type of reaction (type: CMAQ_H2O2) cannot be expressed as the combination of Arrhenius and Troe reaction types. Hence, TChem-atm has a specific convention for this reaction.

\[ k_f = A_1 \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left( \frac{C_1}{\mathrm{T}} \right) \left(\frac{\mathrm{T}}{300}\right)^{B_1} + A_2 \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left( \frac{C_2}{\mathrm{T}} \right) \left(\frac{\mathrm{T}}{300}\right)^{B_2} V_A \]
\[ V_A = \frac{P\ N_A\ R \times 10^{12}}{T}, \]

\(N_A=6.02214179 \times 10^{23}\) is Avogadro's number (\(\mathrm{mole}^{-1}\)), and \(R=8.314472\) is the universal gas constant (\(J\ \mathrm{mole}^{-1}\ K^{-1}\)).

As an example of this reaction from the Carbon Bond 05 mechanism:

\[ 2HO_2 \rightarrow H_2O_2 \]

Note: from here, onward, the equations and variable names don't agree, so I would make sure to provide a map between the corresponding quantities.

- MUSICA_name: R34
    HO2: 2
    H2O2: 1
    DUMMY: 1
  type: CMAQ_H2O2
    k1_A: 2.3e-13
    k1_C: 600.0
    k2_A: 1.7e-33
    k2_C: 1000.0

Custom OH_HNO3

The Carbon Bond 05 mechanism employs this reaction type and can be expressed as the sum of Arrhenius and Troe reaction types, i.e., \(k_f=k_{\text{troe}} + k_{\text{arrhenius}}\). Hence, one must specify two reactions in the YAML input files. For example:

\[ HNO_3 + OH \rightarrow NO_3 \]
- coefficients:
    A: 2.4e-14
    C: 460.0
  note: CMAQ_OH_HNO3
    NO3: 1.0
    HNO3: 1.0
    OH: 1.0
- coefficients:
    k0_A: 6.5e-34
    k0_C: 1335.0
    kinf_A: 2.7e-17
    kinf_C: 2199.0
    Fc : 1
  note: CMAQ_OH_HNO3
    NO3: 1.0
    HNO3: 1.0
    OH: 1.0
  type: TROE

Troe-Arrhenius Ratio Type

This reaction type (type: R_JPL_ARRHENIUS) is computed as the ratio between Troe (or JPL) and Arrhenius types, i.e., \(k_f=k_{\text{troe}}/k_{\text{arrhenius}}\).

The addition of this reaction type to represent UCI reactions required custom-defined rate coefficients (UCI #7-9). As an example, for the uci7 reaction:

\[ HO_2NO_2 + M \rightarrow HO_2 + NO_2 + M \]
- coefficients:
    k0_A: 1.9e-31
    k0_B: -3.4
    Fc: 0.6
    kinf_A: 4e-12
    kinf_B: -0.3
    A: 2.1e-27
    B: 0
    C: 10900.0
  note: uci7
  - M
  id: '57'
    HO2NO2: 1
    M: 1
    HO2: 1
    NO2: 1
    M: 1


The reaction type usr_DMS_OH is part of the UCI mechanism and is hard-coded in the mo_usrrxt submodule in \(\eee\)'s code. In TChem, we reformulate this reaction type as a Troe (or JPL) reaction type using the following configuration.

- coefficients:
    k0_A: 3.57e-43
    k0_B: 0
    k0_C: 7810
    Fc: 1
    kinf_A: 3.0909090909090913e-12
    kinf_B: 0
    kinf_C: 350
  type: JPL
  note: usr_DMS_OH
  adjust_reaction: [M, M]
  id: '89'
    DMS: 1
    OH: 1
    SO2: 0.5
    HO2: 0.5


The reaction type usr_SO2_OH is part of the UCI mechanism and is hard-coded in the mo_usrrxt submodule in \(\eee\)'s code. In TChem, we reformulate this reaction type as a Troe (or JPL) reaction type using the following configuration.

- coefficients:
    k0_A: 3e-31
    k0_B: -3.3
    k0_C: 0
    Fc: 0.6
    N: 1.0
    kinf_A: 1.5e-12
    kinf_B: 0
    kinf_C: 0
  type: JPL
  note: usr_SO2_OH
  adjust_reaction: [M, M]
  id: '90'
    SO2: 1
    OH: 1
    H2SO4: 1

Modifier prod O1D

Reaction types UCI 1, 2, 3 in the UCI mechanism require a modifier to compute the reaction rate. We did not include this modifier under the reaction section of the input file; instead, we created the section modifier_prod_O1D.

\[ \mathrm{factor} = \frac{\mathrm{prod_{O1D}}}{f_c} \]

where, \(f_c\)

\[ f_c = A_1 \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left(\frac{C_1}{\mathrm{T}} \right) [\mathrm{N_2}] + A_2 \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left(\frac{C_2}{\mathrm{T}} \right) [\mathrm{O_2}] + A_3 \mathop{\mathrm{exp}} \left(\frac{C_3}{\mathrm{T}} \right) [\mathrm{H_2O}] \]

The YAML configuration for this modifier is :

    A1: 2.15e-11
    C1: 110.0
    A2: 3.3e-11
    C2: 55.0
    A3: 1.63e-10
    C3: 60.0
  species_name_1: N2
  species_name_2: O2
  species_name_3: H2O
  - 22
  - 23
  - 24
  photolysis_reaction_index: 0
Here, under coefficients, the kinetic parameters are presented. The species involved in this factor are listed as species_name_1 and species_name_2. Note that TChem will find the index of the proper corresponding species. The reaction_list gives the index of the reactions for which this modifier is applied. Finally, photolysis_reaction_index is the index of the \(\mathrm{prod_{O1D}}\) reaction.

Future work will convert reaction_list from a list of indices to reaction IDs, as will photolysis_reaction_index. Thus, one does not need to know the index of each reaction before running a TChem simulation.